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Awning Recover Services in Miami-Dade

Backed by a dedicated team of experts, Awnings Universal, Inc. delivers unmatched awning services to residents of Miami-Dade and the surrounding areas.

For superior-quality awnings and canopies, call us at 

Awning Recovers Made Easy

Awnings and canopies can make a significant difference to your home, both in terms of shade and improved aesthetics. While they are generally durable and made to last a long time, wear and tear happens. But this doesn’t necessarily mean you need a new awning—in many cases, recovering them will do the trick.

With a bucketful of experience, Awnings Universal, Inc. offers awning recover services in Miami-Dade and beyond. Is your fabric torn? Our fully trained technicians can easily remove and replace the damaged fabrics without the hassle of disassembling your entire set up. So if your awning or canopy needs recovers, why wait? Call us now, and we'll get you back in the shade in no time at all.

Effortless, hassle-free recovers.

Awning Recover Services Miami Dade
01 Our Services
  • Residential Awning Company
  • Commercial Awning Company
  • Awning Installation Company
  • Awning Recover Services
  • Retractable Awnings
02 Our Guarantees
  • An Abundance of Expertise
  • World-Class Products and Services
  • Impeccable Customer Service
03 We Serve
  • Miami-Dade
  • Coral Gables
  • Broward County
  • Palm Beach County
  • Miami Beach
  • Fort Lauderdale

To Recover or to Replace?

There are several benefits to recovering your awning as opposed to replacing the whole set up. And while it may seem easier to replace a broken canopy than to fix it, at Awnings Universal, Inc., we often recommend recovers as your best option.

Compared to a replacement, opting for recovers can save you a great deal of money. You’ll also be able to preserve your property's decor. The process will be much faster than with a full replacement. Committed to your comfort, our team can help you make the right call. Get in touch to speak with our experts.

Saving your money.

Awning Recovers Miami Dade